Interim Changes to Tarion’s Customer Service Standard

Tarion is launching interim changes to its Customer Service Standard to better protect homeowners, including introducing grace periods for homeowner timelines, making it easier to submit additional claims and having urgent items addressed sooner.  Effective Sept. 14, 2020, the following improvements to Tarion’s Customer Service Standard will take effect:

• Increasing homeowners’ ability to access help from Tarion by adding 10-day grace periods to:

o   The initial 30-day claim submission period

o   The initial 30-day request for conciliation period

o   The year-end claim submission period with written evidence the homeowner reported items to their builder during the first year warranty period

·        The year-end request for conciliation period

·        Allowing homeowners to add additional items to forms during the 30-day and year-end claim submission periods

·        Tarion is increasing the types of claims that can be addressed anytime in the first year by expanding the definition of emergency claims to include any water penetration claims

For further information on the changes, please click here.